Body Memory Recall therapy sounded intriguing yet intimidating to me. Bob immediately put me at ease from the very first treatment. His knowledge and vast array of techniques has been very beneficial to my overall well being. The passion and dedication he has for his work are inspirational. All my doubts dissolved, I fully embrace my sessions, Body, Mind, and Spirit. With my sincere gratitude.
Linda, 52 years old
The genuinely personal treatments are very powerful and enriching. It is obvious that Bob gives completely of himself and gives from all areas of his knowledge and experience, his passion for what he does is quite evident as is his continual quest for self-betterment. The results of my intensive were all that I had hoped. Thanks, Bob!
Kim H., 34 yrs old, a physical therapist (with pain) undergoing training
Bob has been helping me continue working for over ten years. When I walked into his office at age 44, I was slumped over and doing the “Old Man Shuffle Step.” I had been working with medical doctors and chiropractors and even did acupuncture treatments but was getting nowhere. Bob has gone beyond the call of duty to keep my muscular skeletal system functioning. I have seen great improvement in how I can function and when I have difficulties, Bob addresses them. Bob has become “my little brother” – he’s younger than me – in my walk through life. Thank you, Bob!
Randy N., 56 yrs. old, Chronic Back & Hip Problems – too young to seek disability, but could hardly work
I slipped and fell while carrying my 2-year-old daughter. I landed “full force” on my left elbow and side and experienced extreme pain throughout my body immediately. I called Bob Smith at Sacred Winds Center for Healing and he explained to me what Advanced Myofascial Release Therapy could do for me and helped me to understand the trauma that my body had experienced as a whole. I was fearful of having bodywork done, due to the extreme back pain I was feeling. After my first appointment with Bob, the pain decreased immensely and the following sessions relieved the pain completely. I know that I have no long-term problems/pain from the accident due to Bob Smith and receiving Advanced Myofascial Release Therapy. I am still a client of Sacred Winds Center for Healing and have a greater respect and understanding of how extremely important it is for us to keep our myofascial system healthy and balanced. I am truly grateful for the incredible, dedicated work that Bob Smith does. Thank you.
Jodi, 43 yrs. old, Back and body injuries due to a fall
For 25 years I had experienced pain and needed chiropractic therapy especially on the right side of my neck, due to the fusion of two vertebrae and degree of scoliosis. I had also suffered whiplash injury to my neck and upper back in an auto accident. In April of 2001, I began seeing Mr. Robert Smith for massage therapy. After 8 one hour sessions I have been virtually pain-free, without the need for additional therapy or adjustment. In January of 2003, I began seeing Mr. Smith again for cranial sacral therapy, a different matter. Thank you
Sherry C., 65 yrs. old, Constant neck pain, upper back, and sacral area
For a long time, I have carried stress in my shoulders and neck. Put that together with some physical neck problems (stenosis, herniated discs, joint dysfunction and some arthritis), and I experience a lot of headaches, pain, and discomfort. Nothing that totally debilitates me, but I get worn, and grouchy from living continually with the pain and discomfort. Because I put a lot of energy into blocking the pain so I can function, I end up getting out of touch with my emotional self. Regular therapy with Bob can actually give me pain free days, and even weeks! Bob works with me by focusing not only on the physical, but also by allowing and encouraging the emotional releases needed to bring healing.
Allie L., 47 yrs. old, Stenosis, Herniated Discs, Joint Dysfunction, and some Arthritis
I started coming to Bob in 1998 for therapy from a major motor vehicle accident in which several traumatic injuries occurred – a broken neck, (R) ankle, (L) knee, (L) hip and (R) arm below the elbow. Bob is great. He has the knowledge and experience in myofascial release and acupressure. Bob keeps up with the latest techniques by taking courses in his field. When I come to Bob, I always feel better when I leave. I have decreased pain and increased flexibility. Bob also facilitates the myofascial release mind-body connection and the emotional issues relating to the trauma. Myofascial release, acupressure, and cranial sacral are also great ways to relieve stress. It relaxes you. I got headaches from the motor vehicle accident and Bob’s therapy with acupressure really helps. I highly recommend Bob.
Sylvia C., 50 yrs. old, Injuries from Motor Vehicle Accident Trauma
After telling a friend about my neck and shoulder that I could no longer turn, due to pain and was becoming afraid to drive – and medication that didn’t help (only making my ears ring) – she recommended that I meet Bob Smith. By the time the summer was over, neck and shoulder were so much better, I forgot they had hurt so miserably before. A few years later my right foot was so bad that I bought every remedy available – before coming back to Bob. This time, learning that he did myofascial release intensive. I tried it and found it to be an awesome experience. Extremely therapeutic, beneficial and enlightening. Neck, shoulder, and foot are all doing fine, but find I enjoy a maintenance program for a wonderful sense of well-being.
Patty J., 72 yrs. old, Frozen Neck and Shoulder; Plantar Fasciitis
The session itself, while intensive, at the end, pure peace. I felt so at peace after the session, I didn’t want to even move!! While being therapeutic, it is the ultimate relaxation. I’ve had this type of therapy with other therapists and did not walk away with such an intense feeling of pure peace. You can feel the dedication and how spiritual Mr. Smith is. One should thank the Great Spirit that allows Bob to share this with us – his blessing – our pleasure.
Ed R., 49 yrs. old, Should, Back, Arms, Relaxation
I am a 74-year-old widow who was diagnosed at the age of 38 with deteriorating disc disease, 42-degree scoliosis, and stenosis. I have lost 4 inches in the last 20 years. I started massage therapy twelve years ago but became serious about Myofascial Release Therapy in the last two years. I have had several intensives and this year, after two falls and rotator cuff surgery, I have been seeing Bob twice a week. I am moving better and able to do more than I could six years ago. After spending five months in Florida this winter with no Myofascial Release Therapy, I was not standing as straight or moving as well. I garden, keep my own home and travel, thanks to Bob and his knowledge of Myofascial Release!
Ginny B., 74 yrs. old, Back Pain
I have seen Bob since May 1992. It doesn’t matter what problem I am having (and believe me, there are a bunch). Bob has always been able to help. I started with a degenerative disk giving me extreme neck pain and numbness in my hand. I know Bob thinks I’m a pain in the neck, but his expertise has allowed me to go on with my life without pain. Well, some pain but in other areas. As I age, different parts of me protest at different times. I recall when the house needed painting. I worked myself stiff, literally. I couldn’t move. I tried the chiropractor, (didn’t hurt, but didn’t help), I went to my primary care doctor, (got lots of drugs to mask the symptoms, but not cure the problem). I actually crawled onto Bob’s table. He worked his magic and I was able to swing myself off the table and walk upright. What a joy that was. Bob is helping me to be as active in my grandchildren’s lives as I was active in their parents’ lives. Please, give Bob a call, you’ll be glad you did. (Wait, don’t take my time slot!)
Gail G., 59 yrs. old, Neck Pain and Numbness
Bob Smith keeps me working and growing! I have had fibromyalgia for ten years, and today I can honestly say that my treatment with Bob has brought me the most consistent relief. In addition, He has helped me gather the mental and emotional strength to cope with my disease. I also have a herniated disc in my lumbar spine. I have worked with Bob for nearly nine years. Through Myofascial Release, I now see the inter-connectedness of my entire body system, knowing that on any given day, it is not just my back or just my hips or just my shoulders; it is my fascial system. Since I am a teacher, I recognize Bob as my teacher who facilitates my healing. I am grateful.
Kathryn E., 56 yrs. old, Fibromyalgia and Back Pain
It was December 25th, two years ago, when I had a severe stroke. Bob has been like a Guardian Angel. My whole right side did not work. His treatment of Myofascial Release has done wonders for me. Even the Doctors are amazed at my progress
Jenny M., 42 yrs. old, Stroke
I was born with scoliosis of the lower lumbar and after a major car accident and several minor ones that caused repetitive whiplash, I have been living with medication, multiple doctors’ care and back pain for most of my life. I heard that Bob Smith is one of the best Myofascial Release therapists and after 7 sessions with him over a month, I’m relieved of a lot of pain and have more freedom of movement.
Ron K., 60 yrs. old, Scoliosis, Whiplash
I’m a certified public accountant and spend a great deal of my professional life sitting at my desk. I am no different than many people in today’s society in that I have a great deal of stress in my life. We do not have to do major research to see the serious health hazards that stress puts on our bodies. Myofascial release therapy has been an enormous help in combating the effects of that stress. I believe it helps in a multitude of ways. Of course, the obvious is the relaxation of muscles, the much more effective benefit which I enjoy is the slowing down of my thoughts and allowing me to just be still. I have had other types of massage and although they help relieve muscle tension there is a significant difference between them and myofascial release therapy. By concentrating on releasing your tightness during the message you participate in the therapy and then truly experience a more complete healing. I would suggest anyone suffering from health issues to try a massage with Bob, I am sure you will be pleased with the results.
Lisa R., 43 yrs. old, Stress

Your Questions, Answered
Your BMR session begins with an interview, during which you share with the therapist your medical history, current health conditions and goals for treatment. The therapist may also inquire about traumatic or particularly stressful experiences, past or present, which are often the source of body memory. Examples include injuries, illness, pain, trauma, abuse, surgery, and overwhelming change.
What to wear: Hand to skin contact is vital during a BMR session so suitable clothing such as a swimsuit, underwear, or gym shorts are suggested. Your comfort and modesty are respected and appreciated.
Posture Evaluation: The interview is followed by an evaluation of your posture. The therapist will look for evidence of the freeze response and myofascial tension which pulls the body out of its ideal alignment. Your "epicenters" or central areas of tension will also be identified for treatment as these tend to be the primary cause of stress, pain, and dysfunction.
Treatment: The therapist relies on the highly-trained senses in their hands to locate and treat body memory. BMR bodywork may be combined with therapeutic dialogue to encourage relaxation and deepen the self-healing process.
Follow-up Treatment: After your BMR treatment, the therapist will note changes in your posture, ask you how you feel from the treatment and provide recommendations on how to proceed. The frequency of treatment depends on what you want to achieve, the condition of your body and how you respond to the initial treatments.
Self Care & Home Exercises: Your therapist may provide you with recommendations for self-care and the aid of additional health care professionals that will further your progress.
You may feel peaceful, calm and could experience an increased freedom of movement. Symptoms may temporarily increase from the release of stored toxins but eventually will diminish considerably as your body integrates and returns to a state of balance.
It takes energy to integrate the physical freedom, toxins, emotions, and memories from a release of body memory. In general, a short period of rest, adequate hydration, vital nutrition and gentle exercise will maximize the process.
Our intensive treatment programs provide the opportunity for individuals with physical or stress-related challenges to maximize their healing potential in a short period of time. Many individuals have accumulated stress, injuries, trauma and surgical scarring over a lifetime. At some point, the body can no longer adapt and symptoms develop, typically in the form of pain. Too often medication, surgery, therapy, exercise and other forms of self-treatment do not resolve symptoms or get to the source of the condition. Intensives are highly recommended for those with chronic or reoccurring acute episodes of pain. Mini and Full intensives consist of 7-15 hours of treatment during 3-5 consecutive days with sessions lasting up to 3 hours. Outpatient care (at your location) is available for all intensive treatments.